Miracles are Real

May 25th, 2012, marks the 29 year anniversary of the most terrifying day of my life, but also a day filled with future blessings that could not have been imagined at the time. I crashed a motorcycle into a tree going an estimated 90 mph (without wearing a helmet) and lived to tell about it. I didn't walk away from it, but I survived. I don't know what happened to the bike I rode, but it was huge just like this one. My friend, Jen, and I thought it would be fun. She was a good driver and a really good friend - we were friends since birth because our mothers were friends when they were in school. We were being typical teens and not thinking about possible dangers or consequences. It was only three days after my 13th birthday and I felt alive and happy to have finally reached my teenage years. I remember wearing a shirt that my aunt Pat sent me as a birthday present that day. I remember the wheelie I popped when I first attempted to drive the bike, while Jen fell off the back...