Monday Morning Wake-Up

Today is supposed to be "Cheese Day", aka my last supper, but that is not going to happen today. It's only 9:00 am, but a lot has happened already, and buying cheese and ice cream will have to wait until tomorrow. I prepped lunches this morning and sent the boys off to school and work. Then Gracie and I snuggled a bit before she got herself dressed and ate breakfast. After helping her choose a snack, we got in the van as usual to make it to the bus, which was due to arrive within the next five minutes. Except we got about 50 yards past our driveway and saw the mess that was blocking our way to the bus stop. The driver of a horse tractor-trailer was attempting to back up and turn around. It's probably really tough to imagine what trouble that would cause, but we live on a single lane road that looks more like a driveway than a road. I really wish I had thought to take pictures, but I was riveted by the scene. Once the vehicle was done trashing my neighbor's yard ...