When Will She Bloom?

You would never know that it's springtime in Cochranville. Snow flurries continue to swirl and my skin feels raw in the wind. I hear that Groundhog Phil is being indicted, accused of lying as winter marches on. I keep looking where my daffodils and tulips are supposed to be, wishing I could force them to bloom. If only it worked that way. My daughter, Gracie, speaks her mind freely and does not hide her emotions. She is sensitive to those around her and will be the first person to make friends with a lonely one in the corner. She loves to dance and be on stage. She draws colorful pictures with heartfelt messages to her family. She craves affection and makes no bones about telling you when she hasn't had enough. Her laugh is infectious and people are drawn to her personality. But she has one area of her life that causes her great concern: she's just not as good in school as she would like to be. She is not stupid, by any means. She understands a lot for a 3rd grader. She...