Mother's Day Blues

Hallmark has us convinced that we should have a perfect day to celebrate mom; and while mom's do deserve recognition and honor for the work that is done, I am equally convinced that there is no such perfect day. Our expectations have become unrealistic. Thank you Hallmark. This year, for "Mother's Day", I set out to church to play some music as usual. It was lovely. There was a brief recognition with flowers the kids brought for mom and the traditional hymns to go along with them. Of course, my kids forgot the flowers, but they still joined in the celebration after borrowing some buds from kids who did remember. Following church, my husband informed me that he'd made reservations at a restaurant for brunch with him and the kids. We had to pick up one of the kids from a scouting weekend, where he white-water rafted and slept in a tent for two nights. The plan was to head right to the brunch after picking him up. I'm guessing every mom reading this has the sam...