Random Acts of Kindness

Last week was a really long one. By Friday, I had been to three different doctors for two of my children, plus to my dentist twice for a veneer that just won't stay put. It's been that kind of winter. So by Monday morning, when my computer ceased working, I was not pleased at all. I could not afford any more unscheduled events in my crazy-busy week, and was gearing up for another very long and frustrating day. Since I work from home, there is no "IT" department, there is no one but me who can fix a problem should I have one. So I set out to the Apple store in hopes to find a new battery. Simple fix, I thought, since all indications were that I had a faulty one. This shouldn't take long at all. First stop: Springhouse Media in Exton, PA. After diagnosing that it was indeed the battery, I was told that it would be three full days before I would have a new one installed and that I could just leave my laptop until then. Um, I can't do that, I said, but I wi...