Say it again, please

It is every parent's dream, to hear another adult say, "Your boy is a fine young man, you should be proud." Honored is more like it. She said it about my oldest son, NC, who has hated school since the 4th grade - ever since I transferred him from a small private Christian school with 9 students in his classroom to the public school with 25 students in his classroom. I remember how much he hated it, but he kept pretty quiet because he knew there was no other way at the time. He was being very grown-up by just dealing with the change. "Kids are resilient." "He'll adjust." "He's so bright, he'll be fine." So many people threw well-meaning phrases my way, because I couldn't bear the thought of my oldest son being unhappy. And thinking back on this very big change and how he coped, I am truly blessed that he is my son. NC in 2nd Grade You see, he's not the type of kid that fits in the mold expected for public school kids. ...