Gracie's First Holy Communion

This weekend was another fantastic weekend with two celebrations - Gracie's First Holy Communion and Mother's Day. Friday night was a rat race; last minute prepping for the party on Saturday. The menu for the party was very simple, though, and (almost) gluten-free. I had been marinating flank steak in a French dressing for three days and that would be grilled on Saturday. I made a German potato salad (which turned out fantastic, recipe to follow), deviled eggs (NC's favorite), and the rest was supplied by my awesome mother (baked beans and fruit) and friend, Lisé (special raspberry salad). Chris' cousin, Haley, supplied her amazing layer cake which is pictured here - totally NOT gluten-free, so I only tasted the frosting. But she makes cakes look beautiful and taste fantastic.

The celebration was wonderful. Gracie was so happy and felt pretty in her dress. I did not finish the last stitch of her dress until Thursday night (more like Friday morning), but when I saw how much she loved wearing it, I was thrilled that I could do that for her. She'll never forget it and neither will I. 

Here she is looking pensive and pretty as a picture right before we left for church. Daddy bought her the bouquet of flowers, and we gave her the cross necklace as a present to celebrate the day. I was in awe of the child that I had in my care and truly felt blessed beyond belief throughout the entire day. All three of my children struck me as beautiful creatures and the boys were happy to be a part of the day, too. They stepped back graciously and let Gracie have her spotlight.

I remember when I found out I was expecting her; I did not think I could handle another child after Ben's very difficult babyhood, so I was depressed and full of anxiety. I had been given a book "Grace for the Moment" by Max Lucado, and I read that every day throughout the entire pregnancy, every time I felt anxiety about having a third child. It calmed me down immediately. God was speaking to me that through this baby, that this child was going to round out my family and I was going to be OK. My pregnancy with this little angel taught me that taking one day at a time - one moment of grace at a time - is OK. I had intended to name her Hannah, but the day she was born, instead I named her "Grace". She was my amazing Grace and I will cherish her forever.


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