I've spent a lot of time over the past six weeks in a recliner chair recuperating (I can prove it by my expanding bottom!) I'm two weeks away from exercising again, although I can't imagine doing my Boot Camp exercises anytime soon. Walking will be my first foray into re-entering the fitness world and I cannot wait to get some additional oxygen flowing again. Laden with heavy medical bills that only a year ago would have been 10% of the current cost, health care is a huge concern for my family. With each passing year, less and less coverage is available to us, and more costs are incurred every time we need medical care. With the upcoming election, I'm paying really close attention to the candidates and how their answers to this crisis will impact me. I've never felt the pinch as much as I do now, mostly because there are two members of my family who have needed significant medical care this year. After watching the RNC and DNC for two weeks, I cannot say ...