Dairy or Gluten?

All things happen for a reason. I have always believed that. Maybe it's the optimist in me and that I actually spend time thinking about all the benefits of even negative situations. You can carve whatever beliefs you want out of any situation, and in doing so, it makes you think differently; and I love to think differently. I may be bent, but not broken, everything happens for a reason. Because if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. What happened that caused me to ponder this belief, you ask? I went to the dentist yesterday morning for a routine cleaning. (BTW, my dentist is awesome - check Dr. Jay out at Wardius Dental ). I passed with flying colors and really enjoyed hearing that I am not needed back in their office for six months. Given the problems my poor mouth has gone through at the dentist's office, this news is such joy to hear. While I was having my teeth cleaned, Nicole (my hygienist) was telling me about all the symptoms she'd been exp...