
Showing posts from September 27, 2012

Feelin' Fantastic

I'm so excited!!! I just had to put this video in here because nothing says how I feel better than this, and this arrangement is awesome. Doesn't it make you want to dance? What am I so excited about, you ask? Dr. Dreamboat told me that I needed patience. He told me that it would be about eight weeks before I felt normal again. Not only do I feel normal, but I feel FANTASTIC , better than I have in about 15 years. Can I get an Alleluia!! ? I think back to all the days of "not feeling right" and feeling sick by the end of every single day and the energy that drained from me after exercise that seemed to energize others - I can't believe I felt that way for so long. This is a lesson to anyone who is sick or just "not feeling right" - seek help and do not stop until you get the right help. You are not crazy! I had doctors tell me (for years) that there was nothing wrong with me, and I felt crazy, but constantly pushed myself through the day. Energy a...