Does Gluten-Free make you smarter?

I love that saying, "You are what you eat." Tonight, this is what I'm going to resemble: Ever since I started this journey, I've been more and more conscience of what I'm putting in my mouth, and am ever-so-thankful that my nausea has subsided since I've gone gluten-free. I cannot even put into words how awesome that feels. I've been sick for so long that the only comparison I can make is that I feel like a new person. I mean altogether like someone else. I'm still fatigued, but better than before, so I think the Vitamin D is beginning to absorb; I'm still achy in my joints, but better than before. I don't think I've actually lost any weight, yet, but I think that will happen. I'm so hungry since I got off gluten that it just HAS to come off. I don't think I'm hungry from lack of food, but rather a withdrawal from gluten. I've bought a few gluten-free cookbooks and will begin trying to convert some of my classic go-...