All the Single Moms

My hat goes off to all of you single moms out there. I single-mom-it a few times a year and there are a few observations that I make each time Chris goes away, and this time was no exception. There are pros and cons, but I think the cons win, meaning I lose because there are way more negatives on the list. Dinner is much simpler (tacos and fruit salad tonight - and loved by all) The house is neater and quieter I am even MORE tired than normal since I did all the running so far this weekend I miss my husband and son so much it actually hurts I had to do almost all of the doggy duty solo My fuse is much shorter than usual Gracie was more skittish at bedtime than usual (probably because of my short fuse) I got less housework/yard-work done on such a beautiful day Gracie was sad that her daddy missed her awesome softball hit to right field I overcompensate on treats while shopping to make up for the softball disappointment I am going to a picnic tomorrow afternoon, with one les...