Don't Stupid Bitch Me

This is the craziest time of year for mom's; well dad's too, I suppose. But every day it's a rat race for me between work, dinner, homework, and taxi-cab-driving. I do not stop all day and have very little time for myself. I'm not complaining, either, I signed up for this. Because of this crazy schedule, I revel in the idea of food shopping and running errands without the kiddos, so this morning after all three went off to school, I thought I'd run to WalMart and the butcher shop before I started work. WalMart is my least favorite place to shop, but it's in the same shopping center as the butcher shop. Convenience wins every time. After waiting a ridiculously long time in line, I loaded up my car and drove away. At least, I tried to drive away. While waiting at a Stop sign to leave one of the parking aisles, a red car came around the corner with the clear intent to turn down my aisle. Unfortunately, she was driving on the wrong side of the road and cut me of...