Prep Is Key

This week is one of the busiest I've had in a while. On top of an extremely busy work week, my kids have three or four "events" every day this week, and I'm knee-deep in preparing them for these events. Events include dance rehearsals, CCD, softball and baseball practice and games, school concerts, tutoring sessions, music lessons, and the grand-daddy of them all - First Holy Communion. (BTW, just typing up that list makes me tired!)

My daughter is making her First Communion this weekend, and I decided a long time ago (like when she was born and I finally got the "girl") that I would make all of her dresses for such special occasions. Somewhere along the way, I must have TOLD her this, because she REMEMBERED that I wanted to do this for her. And that's why I'm up late every night working on her one-of-a-kind princess communion dress, not feeling all that holy as I prick my fingers on needles and let little curse words slip out. She has, as they say, blood, sweat, tears (and more blood) in the making of that dress. She will feel very special in it, so I am sure that come Saturday I will be happy that I did it for her. Tonight? I just wish that I had fairies visit me overnight and hem this thing so I can call it done.

Gracie's First Communion Dress - looks much better on her than on the hanger!
In the meantime, I'm not able to prep my food for the week very well. Thank God for Gluten-free cereals and fresh fruit, because that has been my go-to meal this week. I usually have salads on hand with some grilled chicken, but I have several large flank steaks marinating in my fridge now for Saturday's celebration, and I just didn't have room to store my veggies. So my menu this week includes celery and peanut butter, apples, cantaloupe, boiled eggs, frozen veggies and left-over pork and chicken from the weekend. I think tomorrow I'll treat myself to a take-out salad for lunch. I really never thought I'd consider take-out salad a treat, but it seems to have happened...the transition has been made to 100% gluten free and I'm actually looking forward to salads. I look forward to tomorrow's salad piled high with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and grilled chicken.

Once I eat this massive salad, I hope to have enough energy to do the rest of my running. Tomorrow, Gracie has dance rehearsal and CCD rehearsal and Ben has a music concert. Somehow, dinner needs to be served and a dress needs to be finished. OH, and I need to cook and clean for the party Saturday. Everyone will have to chip in for that and we'll just have to do it Friday. Sunday is Mother's Day and I have not even prepped anything for my wonderful mother! I have a small something I bought months ago that I'll be giving to her, but it would sure be nice to be able to do something nice for her. Instead, I plan on relaxing. And somehow I think she'll be OK with that plan. Because not too long ago she was walking in my shoes and wishing for a "nothing to do today" day.


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