Snackin' is hard to do

Don't you love those days, ladies, when you just want to graze? Not necessarily on anything in particular, but nothing seems to satisfy? Chocolate helps some of my female friends, but I never did well with chocolate. Wine and vodka, yes, but not chocolate. Every 21 days, a little friend who's not so friendly visits me (yes, THAT friend, and yes, I said 21 days). I'm not a pleasant person the day before, and frankly I could be nicer during the whole darn period. But since I've given up gluten, the snack craze has not hit me. I spent a weekend on retreat playing music for the youth of my church and running to the bathroom every two hours. Oddly, I noticed, I was not hungry nor was a craving snacks like I usually did. This led me to a conversation with a friend who asked, "What in the world do you eat if you are not eating bread and pasta? And what about snacks?" I think back to a few weeks ago and remember how hungry I was during my initial gluten-free days. N...