Chug it Dad

My father is the funniest man I've ever met. Sometimes, I laugh because his humor and wit are terrific and he has every intention of seeing me throw my head back and laugh like a hyena. Other times, he has no clue just how funny he is. Today, I experienced the latter. Dad is on chemo and radiation, and while that is not funny at all, his chemo chat today was no exception to hilarity. He is required to drink water prior to radiation -- not a ton of water -- but more water than he's accustomed to downing at one time. Mom and I suggested that he pretend it was beer, but he was having none of that. He turned to me, after chemo and as he's prepping for radiation, and said, "You know what the hardest thing about this is? Drinking all this damn water." Really, Dad?? The hardest thing is the water? I am still laughing at the look I got, and I snapped it just in time.