Oh Sleepy Day

Why are people tired? Jack tells us in this energy and charisma-filled video.

Get rid of that pooped out itis. I love it, Jack! You were awesome and such a pioneer for healthy living.

I am following a good diet (not great, but working on it) and exercising regularly. Yet still have that pooped out feeling (love that one, will use it a lot now, thanks Jack). I cannot believe how difficult it is to keep my head up. I am going to have to catch a nap at lunchtime just to get through the day. If Vitamin D really is the culprit, the medicine better start working soon. I have people counting on me.

I have to miss my daughter's field trip tomorrow and she is going to be so very disappointed. Chris is going in my place, thankfully, but it's not easy on him, either. He had to rearrange his schedule to make it happen. But still, Gracie wants mommy tomorrow and there is no way I can keep my head up all day as a chaperone to the aquarium. I have too many things to be healthy for, so hoping to feel less tired any day now. I might go take a power nap this afternoon and then take a walk. I want to be "peppy" just like Jack.


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