In All Things, Give Thanks

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
I Thessalonians 5:18

As my dad continues to receive daily treatments at Johns Hopkins, I am in awe of the people we meet every day -- from the 5 year old child with a rare form of cancer to the Congressman who suffered a stroke while having a brain tumor removed. These people are all fighting for their lives. And each one of these people has one thing in common -- they are thankful for today.

I have spent countless hours trying to understand why my dad was (un)lucky enough to get such a rare form of cancer. Countless hours reading about it on the Internet. But these days, I am just like the 5 year old and the Congressman - simply thankful for today. Thankful for the time I have left with my dad. Thankful for the car rides to and from the hospital, where I get great marital advice from my father (like, "never share a bloomin' onion with your spouse"). Thankful that my staff at work is competent and compassionate. Thankful for friends who force me to laugh and let loose even though I don't feel like it (tequila, anyone?) Thankful for the bonding with my childhood family. Thankful for the first pot of LouPa's gravy in a really long time. Thankful for the daily lessons learned, even though painful at times. Thankful for the words, "I love you". Thankful for the inspirational people at Johns Hopkins. Thankful for my children as they offer themselves in the spirit of giving in a way that I never anticipated. They make me so proud.

I have consciously chosen to be thankful and it's not always easy. There are days that I waiver and days that I am in despair at the changes that are surely coming my way and days that I am exhausted with so many responsibilities; but by choosing thankfulness, I am choosing to live for today. It's all we've ever been promised anyway.
Dad feeling well enough to make the gravy


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