Don't Stupid Bitch Me

This is the craziest time of year for mom's; well dad's too, I suppose. But every day it's a rat race for me between work, dinner, homework, and taxi-cab-driving. I do not stop all day and have very little time for myself. I'm not complaining, either, I signed up for this.

Because of this crazy schedule, I revel in the idea of food shopping and running errands without the kiddos, so this morning after all three went off to school, I thought I'd run to WalMart and the butcher shop before I started work. WalMart is my least favorite place to shop, but it's in the same shopping center as the butcher shop. Convenience wins every time.

After waiting a ridiculously long time in line, I loaded up my car and drove away. At least, I tried to drive away. While waiting at a Stop sign to leave one of the parking aisles, a red car came around the corner with the clear intent to turn down my aisle. Unfortunately, she was driving on the wrong side of the road and cut me off so I couldn't pull out. She waved me on to move past her (apparently, she must have thought I was in her way), and I shook my head and waved her on - she'd left me no room to turn. So she put her foot on the gas and yelled "you stupid bitch" out the window. Whoa!! What did she just say?

I sat stunned. She whipped into a handicapped parking spot and parked her car. Didn't she do a great job parking her car? My son (who just started driving) parks better than this; and I assure you, if he spoke that way to anyone, he'd be tasting soap for a week.

I backed my car up just to take this picture (I'm nice, I covered up her license plate number), but as I sat there, I noticed she had her cell phone in hand and was texting someone; which she was also doing while she drove like a maniac through the parking lot.

I waited for her to get out of the car, because I just wanted to ask her why she'd yelled profanities at me. She continued to text, so I parked my car and decided to ask her. I approached her car and tapped on the window. With additional profanities, she asked "what are you doing?" I asked her why she felt it necessary to call me a stupid bitch. I asked her why she had to be so cruel and rotten to me when I was patiently sitting at a stop sign out of her way. I asked her if she realized she parked way outside the lines. She said, "you're crazy, lady", but she was silent after that, just staring at me. I replied, "You treated me awful today but I will pray for you. You obviously need it." And walked away. (BTW - she had no handicap sign anywhere on this vehicle!)

It saddens me that this woman thinks it's ok to treat others so poorly. This is the real reason why our schools are in so much trouble! My kids could have encountered her - and unfortunately have at one time or another - and she is not teaching them anything by her behavior. I pray that they don't emulate her. We all have a responsibility to put out goodness in the world. We only get one chance to do it right. So crazy lady who cannot drive, park, or get along with others, I prayed the following prayer for you today:

Dear Lord, please bless this woman in the red car. Something has gone terribly wrong in her life and she could use some love. She could also use some driving lessons and compassion for others. And a bar of soap for that potty mouth. I don't want to know if she has children, but if she does, please put someone in their lives who can teach them manners (and how to drive).


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