Random Acts of Kindness
Last week was a really long one. By Friday, I had been to three different doctors for two of my children, plus to my dentist twice for a veneer that just won't stay put. It's been that kind of winter. So by Monday morning, when my computer ceased working, I was not pleased at all. I could not afford any more unscheduled events in my crazy-busy week, and was gearing up for another very long and frustrating day.
Since I work from home, there is no "IT" department, there is no one but me who can fix a problem should I have one. So I set out to the Apple store in hopes to find a new battery. Simple fix, I thought, since all indications were that I had a faulty one. This shouldn't take long at all.
First stop: Springhouse Media in Exton, PA.
After diagnosing that it was indeed the battery, I was told that it would be three full days before I would have a new one installed and that I could just leave my laptop until then. Um, I can't do that, I said, but I will be back if I am unable to find real help today. The tech told me I should just contact my IT department for a loaner in the meantime. Um, I am the IT department and I have no loaners.
So off to King of Prussia I head to my second stop: The Apple Store. I called them on the way and made an appointment - an entire two hours from now! What in the world am I going to do in King of Prussia for two hours? If I were Gracie, I would have hit the jackpot - unexpected shopping at one of the best malls around? "Sweet!" she'd say. But I'm not Gracie, and shopping is not something I enjoy.
As I drove, I daydreamed. And I daydreamed my way right past the entrance of the mall. How I missed it is a mystery because there are signs (and double lanes) everywhere. But I did. I realized my mistake and made a left-hand turn and then pulled into the first parking lot I saw to turn around. The parking lot was America's Best. As I pulled into a parking spot, I figured I had some time to kill until my Apple appointment, so I ran into the eyeglass shop to see if I could pay them to fix my broken sunglasses. After waiting a short time, the technician asked what he could do for me and I showed him my broken glasses. I explained that I tried to fix them myself, but the screws I had were too short. He gladly fixed them and then tightened the other side - FOR FREE. He refused to take any money and told me to have a wonderful rest of the day. I could not believe my ears. I told him he just made my day (and month) and thanked him profusely. After jumping out of my seat, running around the counter, and hugging the guy, I think I might have scared him. His random act of kindness was just what I needed on such a disappointing and wasteful work day. Thank you, stranger, for such a small act of kindness! I've been humming happy songs ever since. What a great reminder of the impact we all have on each other every day. I'm definitely paying this forward the first chance I get!
Since I work from home, there is no "IT" department, there is no one but me who can fix a problem should I have one. So I set out to the Apple store in hopes to find a new battery. Simple fix, I thought, since all indications were that I had a faulty one. This shouldn't take long at all.
First stop: Springhouse Media in Exton, PA.
After diagnosing that it was indeed the battery, I was told that it would be three full days before I would have a new one installed and that I could just leave my laptop until then. Um, I can't do that, I said, but I will be back if I am unable to find real help today. The tech told me I should just contact my IT department for a loaner in the meantime. Um, I am the IT department and I have no loaners.
So off to King of Prussia I head to my second stop: The Apple Store. I called them on the way and made an appointment - an entire two hours from now! What in the world am I going to do in King of Prussia for two hours? If I were Gracie, I would have hit the jackpot - unexpected shopping at one of the best malls around? "Sweet!" she'd say. But I'm not Gracie, and shopping is not something I enjoy.

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