The past several weeks have been a little difficult, to say the least. I've been sicker by the day as my gallbladder removal approaches, which makes time crawl by. Why is that? Most of the time, my life whizzes by so fast that I'm looking for a brake pedal, but when I'm feeling lousy, the days drag on. I said to a friend recently that I'm just looking for the rainbow after the rain; but I have to wait for the rain to stop first.
Chris' uncle, Chetty, has been fighting cancer for 2.5 years. We thought he was doing great, and then received word about three weeks ago that he was back in the hospital and the cancer was back and bigger and more fierce than ever. The doctors could do no more for him and hospice was to be set up for him to return home. He died this morning, surrounded by his beautiful family - his wife, Carol, and four daughters. When I say "beautiful", the word does not even begin to describe this family. Yes, they are pretty to look at - all of them - but they are close and loving and everything you'd want in a family. I am incredibly thankful that Chetty was one of Chris' best role models as he became a man. I've been the beneficiary of Chetty's excellent husbandry and fathering. It is a sad day in our family. As I always try to look for the good in any situation, today's not the day I'll be able to do that. Cancer has robbed our family of too many good people and I'm just too angry about this disease to be positive.
We invited my father-in-law, Jack, and my brother-in-law, Danny, to dinner tonight. It's just a time to be with family and it was great to be with them. Jack felt in light of tomorrow's events that he should be taking me out, but I needed to "do" something - cooking is what I do best. My mom stopped by and helped me make an applesauce cake and lent an ear to me for a bit. Always soothing, mama, you have no idea. I made a huge pot of sauce and we had a great Italian meal. I did not eat much, but thoroughly enjoyed watching others eat platefuls. I even burned the garlic bread and was ok with that (only because I had extra bread and could make more!) During dinner, it
poured rain. It was a soothing sound and reflected how I've been feeling lately. And then, magically, a rainbow DID appear. It was the prettiest rainbow I've ever seen.
View from our front porch - this picture does not do it justice. |
Ben hopped on the playset in the back yard and took this beauty. |
Another view from our front porch. |
And I made a few wishes on that rainbow.
Tomorrow, I head to the hospital for surgery to remove this painful gallbladder. I will only be sad if my nausea does not disappear afterwards. And I really hope I can make it to Chetty's service.
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