
I've spent a lot of time over the past six weeks in a recliner chair recuperating (I can prove it by my expanding bottom!) I'm two weeks away from exercising again, although I can't imagine doing my Boot Camp exercises anytime soon. Walking will be my first foray into re-entering the fitness world and I cannot wait to get some additional oxygen flowing again.

Laden with heavy medical bills that only a year ago would have been 10% of the current cost, health care is a huge concern for my family. With each passing year, less and less coverage is available to us, and more costs are incurred every time we need medical care. With the upcoming election, I'm paying really close attention to the candidates and how their answers to this crisis will impact me. I've never felt the pinch as much as I do now, mostly because there are two members of my family who have needed significant medical care this year.

After watching the RNC and DNC for two weeks, I cannot say that I've had any fundamental beliefs that have been altered; but I have a deeper appreciation for some issues because of the banter I've witnessed between those around me as well as my only medical plight, and some of the speeches were downright fantastic. Some of the latest questions being asked leave me asking similar questions.
  • Who doesn't want sustainability and renewed energy sources? 
  • Why would anyone not want to control spending and eliminate the rising debt? 
  • And what about same sex couples? All of the gay people I know are beautiful, caring people.
For anyone who knows me, you know that I like to party, but I really hate that we have a Democrat Party and a Republican Party - and I don't like elections. It's confusing - who do we believe? Bill Clinton gave a fantastic (and seemingly believable) speech, imploring us to believe him - and this guy was impeached for lying. But the part that is most confusing is that both political parties have really valid concerns. As soon as they start bashing each other, it is a complete turn-off. I shut down and stop listening.

I'd like to create a whole new party - how about a Republicat party? I decided to google it to see if there is such a thing, and I found this video.

This wasn't what I had in mind.

I was thinking more like "no party" party, where a candidate just runs on principle. Every year, someone tries and gets no where doing so. It's all about money, I guess, and having a backer who can foot the bill or raise money to foot the bill. But really, I just want to hear solutions, and better yet, see them. And if I'm going to contribute to those solutions, even better. As long as my contributions are not in the form of more taxes and higher deductibles in hidden fine print. Blue Cross - I'm throwing a dig at you in case you didn't catch it. A sample contribution includes not smoking. I have never smoked, and that should be rewarded with a lower deductible, don't you think? We could have a point scale and based on our healthy choices, we are provided an appropriate plan: a fair plan based on healthy lifestyle. Mind you, I'd probably lose some points on alcohol intake - after all, that is also a choice. But maybe when my intake only equals three to four glasses of wine per week total, it's a wash, since daily wine consumption is now considered healthy. I'm just thinking it would nice if those individuals who are responsible be rewarded.

Even though my current medical bills have me a little down in the dumps (I will just have to wait another year or two for that walkway out back - sorry to all of my party guests, you get to take leaps across those blasted concrete pavers that are not spaced for people with short legs), I'm still really thankful that I have income that will allow me to dig out of my hole - even if it will take a little while. I'm thankful that my kids have the educational opportunities that they have, especially given the state report I saw today on poorly performing schools across this nation - we're not in any of them. And I'm really thankful to be alive.

I've been thinking that it's these "little things" that have had a really big impact on me every day, to help me get through some of these tougher times, as long as that's what I focus on. (I will still be looking for better healthcare!) We are constantly being influenced by our surroundings and for every instance of inspiration we encounter, we can change - if we choose to. How awesome is it to have an impact on those around us and have those around us influence us? We become better people - or not - depending on what we choose. Some of the little things (which are really not so little in how meaningful they've been to me) are listed below from the past few weeks - thank you to everyone for the support and love!! I'm filled with gratitude every day. And as I say thanks, I'll be continuing to watch our health care crisis to try to make sense out of it all.
  • My parents, for continued rides and help, as needed.
  • My husband, for the love and laughs - you have no idea how funny you are.
  • My boys, for being the best kids on the planet and making the transition back to school a breeze for all of us.
  • Gracie, who loves to school shop and lost the opportunity this year, for graciously shopping supplies from the laptop instead; and checking every day to see if they arrived.
  • How about all the people from my church who have volunteered to bring meals? My last two are coming this week and all of you have been incredible. I hope I have not missed anyone here, I can't recall who's already been thanked!
    • Mary for the incredible meatloaf and the best seasoned corn we've ever had
    • Darren and Sandy for a chicken/mashed potato/grilled veggie/pear tart that Nathaniel is still talking about
    • Scott and Lisa for baked ziti coming tomorrow night
    • Chris for BBQ chicken with sides coming Thursday night
  • Wendy, my friend of 15 years, bringing me a meal last week and talking me through a couple. rough rides in the car. And offering to help me shrink that growing bottom as soon as we can walk together!
  • Lisé and Jody, for getting me out of the house, if only to sit on your recliner instead of mine. That was some awesome homemade wine and Chris loved corking!
  • Cindy for making me feel human again by ridding of all this crazy eyebrow growth.
  • Aunt Cora for sending me a card every week - love you and them.
  • Uncle Jimmy for surprising me with a visit. Always a pleasure to see you.

Gradie and Ziggy - in one of her new outfits


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