Count Your Blessings

I was scheduled to have laparoscopic gallbladder surgery for gallstones a week ago. Instead, I now have 38 staples in the form of a metal zipper from my chest straight down and around my belly button. Nothing quick, easy, or routine about this experience, although somewhat familiar.

Doctor Dreamboat (did I mention that he's tall, dark and handsome?) warned me prior to surgery that given my previous internal injuries, he was not sure what he'd find until he started the procedure. But even he admitted later that he was not prepared for what he'd see. After attempting the laparoscopic procedure, doctor dreamboat could not even find my gallbladder. When he first said this to me, I laughed out loud. That's like a chef admitting he didn't have the right pot to cook the soup in. At least, in my doped up state at the time that's how it seemed. When he finally cut me open, he said he was shocked by the amount of scar tissue inside of me from my previous internal injuries as a teenager. He removed as much as he could, but also removed my appendix, which in his words were inflamed and dangerously large. He also did, thankfully, find the gallbladder and removed that poor little bugger. He also repositioned my liver.

I sat in shock as I listened to him speak of what a mess I was. He said that I had to have been in pain for years and was surprised I'd just now sought this kind of help. I spent the next five days in the hospital instead of home where I thought I'd be thinking about what he'd said and what I had or had not done to take care of myself over the past several years. My pain tolerance must be pretty high, because I've always just dealt. Recently, it became unbearable which is why I sought help now.

I have a long way to go before I'm healed, and will not go into the details as they are disgusting. Right now, I am counting the hours between pain med's. I live in 4 hour increments and my whole day revolves around that time slot. Since I've had so much time to sit and think, I've begun to count my blessings (I can count more than just staples!) But here are a few things that I came away with this week:

  • I'm surrounded by a lot of people who love me. I'm sure I'm not listing everyone here, but will continue to shout out thank you's as I heal.
  • Jennersville staff - you guys are awesome.
  • My parents were a HUGE help this week - they took care of the kids all week long. And today, brought me chicken soup! They even did an emergency drug-store run for me yesterday.
  • My husband loves me - a LOT. He saw how uncomfortable I was the first night home, and the next morning went out and bought me a recliner so I'd recover more comfortably. Today, he's out buying me a television so I can sit in my recliner and have something to pass away my four hour increments with. This man hates to spend money, so anyone who knows him, knows this is not easy for him. He's shown me more love in this past week than I ever thought possible and I am so thankful that he's mine!
  • Lise, I love you - your texts and hugs are the best. I am so happy you are here. And thank you for the soup. We have it in the freezer, still, but will be thawing it as soon as meals stop coming. It would be gone by now, but the extra 5 days in the hospital threw me for a loop.
  • Shawn, my life-long friend, thanks for the concern and the reaching out, and reminding me what's important right now.
  • It's not just OK to admit you need help, but ask for it. People actually want to help. Thank you, Diane!
  • My boys have begun turning into young "men" - when did that happen??
  • Being generous with others comes back in spades.
  • Danny and Jack, thanks for the visit and the flowers. Ben needed someone to play games with him yesterday. I stink at Chess and Risk.
  • Jen, my sweet sister-in-law, and brother, Lou - love you both. Lou brought me flowers today and will help set up the cable/dish or whatever for the tv; Jen, made a lasagne (which is awesome), and will be cleaning for me tomorrow and bringing me PJ's.
  • My neighbors sent over a casserole and muffins within five minutes of getting home. And made sure Gracie had some much-needed playtime with her BFF.
  • My boss let me rest all week without one single phone call...until today. For him, this is HUGE.
I will continue to count my blessings in between pain pills. In the meantime, here are a few of the views I've had this past week.

I took this from my terrific new chair. Chris is zonked.
One of my favorite bouquets of flowers ever - the smell was fantastic.


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