I have to give up WHAT???

All I heard her say was, "Try eliminating Ice Cream". The rest of her rambling was not important. You see, I love ice cream almost as much as I love a summer vacation. They kind of go hand in hand. I can give it up for 9 months out of the year, but the summer months? No way! It belongs to summer like peanut butter belongs to jelly, like a baby kangaroo belongs in its mother's pouch, like a bride belongs to her groom.
Doesn't this look fantastic?
 What she actually said was "Try eliminating dairy for a few weeks and then add it back for a day. If you feel sick again, then you've found the culprit. If not, we'll move on to gluten, etc..." But still, in my world DAIRY = ICE CREAM.

But it could be worse. After a day of asking myself "what could be a worse food to give up?", I thought of my mommom, who is almost 97, and unable to eat pretty much all the foods she used to eat. She's eating mostly liquid these days and just about everything goes into the blender. And I have to say, she looks amazing. If mommom can do that, I can certainly make a few food sacrifices of my own.

So for the past two days, I've eliminated all dairy. No butter, no milk, and no cheese. I'm reading labels, but mostly cooking fresh anyway. No great improvement in how I feel, yet, but I'm definitely less nauseous than yesterday; and I will take that for now.  If the bloating and gassy-ness and nausea disappear, than I will happily live without dairy as long as I find an alternative to ice cream in the summer. Can you say "Rita's"?

Ice and fruit - I can eat that!


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