Losing Face

Dale Carnegie once said, "The expression one wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back." I have always believed that. But what happens when one loses her face? This is the story of when I lost mine. As we ate dinner the night of December 29, my food tasted funny and I had a headache along the back of my head. My tongue and lip felt a little numb. I'm usually a good cook, so I chalked it up as stress from the holidays. Tomorrow my dad would be 72, and I was going to focus on preparing food for the dinner my mom was having in his memory. I went to bed early, thinking that if I were getting a cold, the extra sleep would help. When I woke up, Chris and Ben were leaving for a doctor's appointment, Nate was going to his girlfriend's house, and Gracie was heading next door to play for a while. I sat down to have breakfast - a bowl of fresh fruit - and thought it was odd that I was having difficulty eating it. The juice...